Design(re)PARK on Historic 25th

(re)PARK on Historic 25th

Io Landscape Architecture, in conjunction with Carbon Architects, hosted the first ever PARK(ing) Day in Ogden on September 20, 2013.


Watch the brief video below, where Landscape Architecture Principal Shalae Larsen outlines the project’s concepts and goals. We extend special thanks to Johnson Media Corp. for putting this together. Shalae also appeared in another featured video by Only in Ogden

By overtaking two parking spaces on Historic 25th Street, we created a pop-up park featuring bench seating, grass space, and a riverside beach-front complete with goldfish.


The park installation, titled (re)PARK, was made from (re)claimed materials including tires, roofing material, and scrap lumber. The project required minimal expense and only a few hours of install. In this way, (re)PARK shattered some misconceptions about providing community green space – namely, the expense and difficulty in creating these public-use spaces.

Photo by Indie Ogden

Photo by Only in Ogden.

Our (re)PARK installment was a part of the international (PARK)ing Day movement. Design firms and concerned citizens world-over occupy a parking space for a day, an hour, whatever the meter will give them, and create a public green space – temporarily breaking up the asphalt jungle of urban sprawl.

With the Xterra race here in town and the Harvest Moon Festival the following day, there was plenty of buzz on the street and we were able to share our park with a wide and diverse group. And though we had only envisioned the park being up for the one day, the business association and coordinators of Harvest Moon requested that we keep the installation up an additional day and represent Ogden during the festival.

The Standard Examiner dubbed our project “a green success” and we were very happy to provide an urban oasis to our community, even if only a temporary one.


Find more photos from Only in Ogden’s photo gallery.

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