Ogden Business Exchange Master Plan

Ogden Business Exchange Master Plan

Io’s master plan for the adaptive re-use of the Ogden Union Stockyards transformed this bustling industrial center turned vacant brownfield site into a modern hub for outdoor recreation manufacturing. In addition to documenting the site’s expansive livestock pens, loading chutes, Art Deco watering troughs, and patterned concrete, Io created a development plan that worked to preserve and highlight some of the most unique elements of the site such as a series of concrete loading ramps. This included capitalizing on the adjacent Weber River Parkway by turning the development inside out, creating an open space loop and pedestrian/bike promenade overlooking the river that all of the new industrial buildings will be facing. The planned network of open space includes a bike path and trail system, stream bank restoration, preservation and interpretation of historic elements, and a network of bioswales with native vegetation.

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